Monday, December 31, 2007

Round 3.... Christmas was a blast, but we continued the fun into the 26th when a sizeable chunk of my extended family convened at my house. Aunts, uncles, cousins, children, etc made for a fun day. We had a ton of food and everyone had a good time. At least, I assume. Brad and I spent most of the evening in Lawson's room since the little bugger didn't like having company. The revelry got to him (the house was pretty loud) and he started screaming. And screaming. And screaming. I have never heard this child scream so intensely. We eventually got him calmed down and he went to sleep for a while. When he woke up, he was in a considerably better mood and was able to mingle a bit. He was back to his usual sweet self for my cousin's wife's baby shower the next day.

The gang at my house:

It was fun seeing all the family. Despite his spot of crankiness, Lawson got to spend some quality time with old and new faces.

Lawson with my Aunt Nita:

With Nita's husband, Jim:

With Grandpa:

Round 2.... After all the presents were opened, we took advantage of our first ever White Christmas. Yes, the snow was still on the ground! It was so exciting. We dressed Lawson up in his snow suit and hat and took him out to play in the white stuff. He really liked it! He looked a bit like Maggie Simpson in her snow suit, so he was stiff and easy to "walk" through the backyard. He also made his first snow angel (with a little help from Mommy....). Lawson giggled through the whole thing. The final picture is of the Mommy and Baby angels. We had so much fun making memories.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Whew! What a whirlwind week! I might have to do this in a couple of installments...

We had a wonderful first Christmas with our sweet boy. My parents and sister came up to visit, as well as my aunt and uncle from Florida. Uncle Jim spoiled us by taking us out to a very swanky steak house at the Plaza one night - yum! Good wine, good food, good company. Christmas day went very well. Everyone spoiled Lawson like you wouldn't believe...okay, well, maybe you would.... Lawson made out like a bandit and it was so special to have a child for Christmas even if he didn't really know what was going on. He got lots of books and some toys he can play with right now. For some, he'll have to wait a little while. He really loved his toys - we got some great pictures of his little face....

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...... Every year I sing that song wistfully, never expecting it to happen. I think I may get my wish this year. The snow has been coming down in buckets today! The wind is blowing and so the air is just white all over. Mom and I have been baking Christmas cookies, listening to Christmas music and watching the snow fall outside the windows. It's not supposed to get above freezing for several days so we'll probably have this snow around for Christmas day. Yippeee! Even if it melts before Tuesday, at least we had a winter wonderland during our ramp-up preparations. How lucky for Lawson that he'll get such a lovely first Christmas!

It's perfect, except for my Dad has to go out in it here very soon to pick up my aunt and uncle from the airport. Not good driving weather, but they seem to be landing planes just fine. This would be better if no one had to be out and about in this!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping. Lawson and I went out for one last big push today. I just have a couple more small things to take care of and I'm finished! The highlight of the day, though, was Lawson's first visit with Santa. He was good and didn't cry, but he does look a little bewildered in his picture. The little bugger grinned as soon as I picked him up off Santa's lap....

Monday, December 17, 2007

Horray for electricity! I stopped by the house Thursday afternoon and was thrilled to discover the power had come back on. Fortunately, the pipes didn't burst and the sump pump kicked on to drain the basement. I had to throw away a lot of food, but I'd rather waste the food/money than have us get food poisoning... Despite the hassle, the ice was really beautiful. I took a couple of pictures, but they just don't do it justice. Each tree branch was coated in ice, which looked cool up close but was even more amazing when you looked at many trees together - so white! The power lines look cool, too.

These trees are in our backyard:

Here's the view from our 2nd story deck, looking out at the ridge at the end of the street. Click on the pic to get a bigger and more detailed view.

Our over-the-range microwave didn't make it through the storm. It got fried and never came back on. I never realized how much I rely on that thing until I didn't have it anymore. Not really what I wanted to spend money on this week, but I can't live without it. Especially not with family coming for Christmas....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brrr..... Well, the new winter storm turned out to be a b*tch. We lost power Tuesday morning at 7 and it still hasn't come back on! Fortunately, we have amazing friends who took us in after their power returned Tuesday afternoon. They even let us bring our poor kitty cats! They live across the river on the Missouri side - the Kansas side is screwed. They said on the news last night that it could be 7-10 days before they get power to everyone. Oh, and our basement is ankle-deep in water since the sump pump operates on electricity, so that's awesome....

Anyway, just thought I'd let y'all know what's happening here. I'm at the public library so I can get caught up on email and stuff. Despite the crappiness of the situation, it's beautiful outside. The roads are clear so driving isn't an issue, but there's still a lot of ice on power lines and trees. All those ice-covered trees are gorgeous! I took a bunch of pictures and will post them on here when I get my own computer back. I'll be back in touch - please keep us in your thoughts....

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Brad's in Virginia again for another staff ride (basically a grown-up field trip - he's showing the Army officers around the Civil War Wilderness battlefield). It's just the kitties, Lawson and me for a long weekend - oh, and thanks to the latest storms, it's too icy for me to go anywhere... So, due to a little boredom, I decided to dress Lawson up and subject him to another round of pictures. I can't help myself - he's just so dang cute!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Susan did this last year and I thought it would be fun to try. Click on the link for some silliness. Merry Christmas from the Winemans!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Snow!!!!!!! We had our first snowfall today. I didn't think it would amount to much, but not only did it stick, we got about two inches. Not bad for the first one. My friend, Katie, and her baby came over and we enjoyed a hot bowl of chili sitting by the lit Christmas tree with snow falling just outside the window. What a nice day... After she left, I took Lawson outside for his first exposure to snow. I even managed to capture his oh-so-cute smile on camera for the first time!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Here's a fun video I was able to "create" on the Pampers website. There are four images of Lawson interspersed with other cute babies. Early Christmas wishes!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

I think it's officially safe to announce this to the world: Lawson is sleeping through the night! Hooray!!!!! Turns out that night two weeks ago wasn't a fluke. Even in Boston, he slept all night. It was wonderful to be so well-rested around the family - it made the trip much more fun. However, we stayed up pretty late, so "through the night" meant midnight to 7am. Awesome, but we weren't sure what would happen when we came home and started going to bed earlier. Yep, like clockwork - we put him down about 10:30 and he gets up anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30. I love having a full night's sleep. I feel like a new woman!!!! We loved our Lawson will all our hearts before this, but we love him even more now that all three of us are getting some rest!

Friday, November 30, 2007

I was just thinking that there are few things in this world more wonderful than waking up (well-rested) to a happy baby who's smiling at his mommy. Lawson is so cute first thing in the morning - he usually smiles, coos, and squeals at me for at least an hour after he gets his breakfast. In those moments, my life is perfect.

Maybe I should follow up that sappy sentimental statement with the harsh reality that was my life last night. I swear it was like the freakin' Keystone Cops around here.... Mind you, ALL of this happened at the same time:

1. Dinner was ready. After weeks of living on frozen and packaged foods that are quick to make, I made a nice, real dinner. Italian Mac&Cheese from Rachel Ray with a nice fresh salad. I really went all-out on this meal...

2. We stupidly took the cone collar off Shadow, thinking he'd be okay. He immediately started chasing the tail and we couldn't corner him to get the collar back on. Guess we need to get the rest of it amputated. Awesome....

3. Lawson totally melted down. I still think it was a delayed reaction to the shots, but who knows? He screamed (and I mean, screamed!!!) for an hour. He normally gets a little fussy in the evenings, but it's not typical for him to throw a fit like that for that long! Nothing we did seemed to help much. We felt so useless. He then got himself so worked up that even though he was tired, he couldn't fall asleep.

The whole thing was almost comical. Lawson eventually went to sleep, the cat calmed down (and is sporting his collar again), and we managed to eat our cold meal just before 9pm. So, maybe that's why I was particularly enchanted by my smiling, happy baby this morning.... He's always like that first thing, but after last night it was a welcome relief!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lawson had his 2 month appointment today (even though he'll be 10 weeks on Fri). I love his pediatrician, but Lawson doesn't - he screams his head off every time he gets examined! It's so weird. I feel so bad for the doctor! This was a big appointment because he got his first round of vaccinations. He actually did okay with his shots. I got a little teary - it's hard watching your child be in pain. But I've got a tough little guy - he cried a bit, but he got over it and has been chilled out ever since. The doctor has me giving him Tylenol every 4 hours for the next 24 to help with the pain and keep any fever down. Oh - he weighs 12 lbs and is 23 inches long. He's in the 55th percentile for weight and the 75th for height.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Our crazy scheme of taking a 9 week old baby across the country worked! Lawson took his first-ever plane ride to Boston for Thanksgiving and his baptism last week and so far he's showing signs he'll fit right in with Mom and Dad's globe-trotting tendencies. He was a champ on the plane heading out - he loved takeoff and was so good through the whole thing. He was so sweet for pretty much the whole week. Brad's family got to meet him for the first time and he was a hit. My parents and sister came, too, which blended the families for the first time since our wedding (6.5 years ago!). Everyone got along and it was really such a fun week.

His christening went fairly smoothly - he got a little cranky but he found his thumb and happily sucked away for most of the ceremony before passing out. He wore a gorgeous gown my mom made for the occasion. We're hoping it can be passed down through the generations.

Coming home, he was a little cranky - I think that was because he was just so overstimulated from the big trip. He continued his crankiness through yesterday but he seems back on track today with his usual sweet disposition. Here are some pics from Saturday's baptism. He was completely worn out by the whole thing....

Monday, November 19, 2007

Big news!!!! Lawson slept from 11:15-7:30 last night!!!!!! I know it's a total fluke because the longest he's ever gone was 5 hours before - it seems like a huge jump to make. The last two hours of that, he'd wake up, crank a bit and then fall back asleep over and over again. So, I didn't get a full 8 hours of sleep, but I was far better rested this morning than I usually am. Yippee!

This week's trip to Boston will screw up his schedule big time but we're going to have fun and that's more important. I'm hoping we can maintain at least a little structure....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Lawson is such a good shopper! He has endured numerous trips to the shops for me to buy new clothes. I needed an update. My pre-preggo clothes don't quite fit, but I officially look ridiculous in the maternity stuff. I've lost all my preggo weight PLUS an extra 9 pounds (as of two weeks ago at my dr appointment), but my body is still funky and won't go back into my old clothes. I'm glad I've lost the weight, but it's not doing me much good when I have to buy bigger stuff! Grr... At least I found some nice things for our trip to Boston next week.

Speaking of clothes..... After weeks of dressing Lawson up as an Aggie fan, it's time for him to show his VMI Keydet spirit. Rah Virginia Mil! Whole damn team!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lawson finally likes his bath! After weeks of shrieking through any attempt we made at cleanliness, he has decided baths are okay. I quit using that sling that goes in the baby tub - it keeps him out of the water and he gets cold, which I think was the problem. I started letting him get down into the water more and he loves it. He gets a bath every night now. Such a clean and happy baby!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sorry for being away for a week - nothing overly momentus happened. But, we just had a weekend for the memory books! My sister, Mary Beth, flew in and got to meet Lawson for the first time. After many weekends of watching Aggie football on tv, we took our first big trip on Saturday to see A&M play at Mizzou (only 2 hours from here). It was quite an adventure! Lawson was a champ! He was SOOOOO good all day and everyone loved our cute little Aggie fan. He even got chatted up by our quarterback's stepmom. It almost made up for the fact that we got totally stomped.....

Another bonus, one of my students from Virginia is a freshman at Mizzou, so I got to see her too. The downside was that we got towed!!!! We knew when we parked it was a little questionable, but we thought it would be okay. Worst case, we might get a ticket, but nope - we got to spend the afternoon unscrewing that situation. Ugh. But the good outweighed the bad and we were all impressed by Lawson's flexibility. Not only was he good all day, but the adventure didn't mess up his nighttime routine nor did it effect his disposition today. What a great kid!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Lawson is 6 weeks old today. Where did the time go? He's getting so big already! While it's fun to see him reach new milestones and get stronger every day, it's sad to think that my newborn isn't so new anymore. :( It's also sad to think that if I had a regular job, I'd be going back to work on Monday. I can't imagine leaving him for long stretches of the day at this point! It seems so soon. I'm so fortunate that Brad has a good job so I can stay home. I am going to start teaching a couple of night classes in January, but at least Brad can watch the baby while I'm out.

Lawson had his first play date yesterday. I've been participating in a message board with September 2007 moms since last January and I met a girl who lives here in town. We had the same due date so it was fun to chat during the pregnancy. Her little boy, Jack, was born 11 days before Lawson and we're excited that they can be playmates. Yesterday we got together for the first time since we became mommies and let the boys hang out. They were SO cute together.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

We had a very fun Halloween. Our neighborhood is crawling with little people, so the doorbell rang pretty much constantly. Such cute costumes - lots of Spiderman and Transformers. Last year every other girl was Hannah Montana, but I didn't see any this year.

We didn't dress up Lawson in a costume, per se, but he was certainly looking festive. He did his best to help pass out candy....

Monday, October 29, 2007

I love fall. It's really my favorite season and I haven't had much chance to get out and enjoy it this year. Lawson keeps me too busy and he's too young to enjoy it himself. Next year will be fun when he can walk around the pumpkin patch and apple orchard! But, I wanted to have just a small slice of fall fun, so today I took Lawson to the local farm to see the pumpkins and animals - I'd like to think he had a blast. *grin* Thanks to his Auntie Jill for the cute duds. He was a hit with everyone who walked by. Unfortunately, the pictures didn't turn out quite the way I wanted, but oh well....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Boy, it's been a busy few days. Shadow is adjusting. He hates taking his medicine, but he's getting used to his collar. He's been very clingy, which he always was before the baby, but now he seems a little depressed. We might need kitty Prozac. How sad....

Lawson has been a Mr. Crankypants this week. I think we're going to have to stop referring to him as our mellow baby. Yesterday was the first day he got good naps in in about 4 days! All three of us are exhausted! But yesterday was college football day, which means dressing up with Daddy and "watching" the game, which always seems to relax him - despite Daddy's yelling at the tv. He he... Here are my boys:

Tailgating, Lawson-style:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm so sad.... Our kitties at first seemed to be adjusting to Lawson's arrival okay. Obviously they were distressed, but it didn't seem major. Until Shadow started biting the end of his tail.... We assumed he had a bug bite he was scratching, but as the days went on and it didn't get any better, we had to take him to the vet. Brad took him in last week and the vet said he developed a form of OCD in response to the baby - licking his tail until it was raw. Yep, bloody and raw at the end. We had small drops of blood on the walls and carpet. We tried antibiotics and that didn't work, so yesterday morning Shadow had about 4 inches of his tail amputated. Waaaa.... It was so sad...

Brad dropped him off at the house and then left for his night class. Shadow ran and hid under the bed and stayed for a few hours and I left him alone since I was busy entertaining Lawson. But by about 9pm I heard him running around the house like he had been doing when he bit his tail. Once I got Lawson rocked to sleep I went to check on him and yep, he chewed out his stitches and was bleeding all over the house. I found him curled up in Lawson's closet in the basket full of baby blankets! So, I have two beautiful blankets covered in pools of cat blood! The house looks like a crime scene. I wound up having to take him to the all night vet (45 minutes away!!!)! Brad met me after work and the vet restitched Shadow's tail (another $200 - awesome....) and this time gave us one of those cone shaped collars. Oh, and Lawson woke up just as we left and screamed the entire 45 minutes home. Awesome. It was after 2am before the three of us got to bed.

Shadow isn't adjusting well to the collar, but I think it will keep him from eating his tail. He keeps running into walls and furniture, and he can't crawl into his usual tight spaces. I find it heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time. I also think he looks like Little Bo Peep in his collar and bow.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I can't believe my baby is a month old already! The last four weeks have been a blur... In honor of his advancing age, we introduced him to a bottle this weekend. Since I'm nursing, we've waited so he wouldn't have what they call "nipple confusion". All three of us LOVE the bottle! Brad finally got to feed Lawson, I got a break and Lawson got a bunch of pumped breast milk very quickly. If only I could keep up with the pumping enough to feed him a bottle every time.... alas, I don't think that's going to happen.

He's been a bit cranky this weekend and hasn't slept much. However, when he did, he was sure comfy:

Here's Lawson all dressed up for Church today. He got lots and lots of attention.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Here are some pics of Lawson's first tub bath. It was much nicer than the sponge bath - we're so glad his umbilical cord stump has fallen off. However, as you will see, he still doesn't much care for getting clean. He's 100% boy....



Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Holy moly, can my kid pack away the food! I'm nursing Lawson and we still have a few hiccups in the procedure, so I've been hoping he was getting enough nutrition. He caught a slight virus that landed us at the pediatrician yesterday. When the nurse weighed him, he was 9 lbs, 6 oz! He's gained 2 pounds from his original birthweight in just three weeks. Clearly, he's getting enough food. The doctor joked about how Lawson must really like to chow down. He's outgrown his newborn sized clothes.... he only had two outfits (the rest are 0-3), but they hung off him in his first couple of days. Now it's time to wash them and put them away for the next baby. I'm so sad he's growing so fast...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lawson is one athletic kid! He's been really good about picking his head up for a while now. It won't be long before he can hold it for a long time. He's got insanely strong legs - he's trying to crawl with his legs, but that dang head is just too heavy to hold up long enough to get moving...

He's also rolling over. The first time he did it was at 5 days old - I set him on his back and he rolled onto his side. The pediatrician was surprised, but said it was likely an accident. It probably is, but he keeps doing it every couple of days. This picture is of him after I put him down on his back. While I'm proud of his athleticism, I'm terrified of this early mobility. So, I'm not too excited that he can do all this stuff yet. I'm really okay with him being stationary for a while longer.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Awesome news (at least for me)! I can wear my wedding ring! My fingers swelled up so badly that I quit wearing the ring in about April, so it was fabulous to put it on again. It's snug, but not uncomfortable. Hopefully, I'll go completely back to normal finger size soon. I also slipped on my favorite brown leather shoes today and they fit. As late as last week, I couldn't get them on my puffy feet. I'm just so thrilled my swelling is better. I'll get more pictures of Lawson up soon. Trust me, I have plenty.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Well, Mom and Dad went home yesterday and so we're back to being on our own here. Lawson had a great time with his grandparents (and vice versa). The poor kid's retinas are close to burn out with all the great pics we took, but it was worth it. Here are some of the cute moments from their visit.

Lawson's second Aggie game. He still slept through it, but we got this priceless photo out of it.

He's a bit too young to smile for real, but he's close. A good mixture of a little gas and genuine excitement will produce a heartwarming reaction.

One of many of Lawson's classic facial expressions. This kid's face is made of rubber - he is so expressive. This is probably a wind up for a good poopy diaper, but it makes me laugh!

More cute faces:

Stay tuned for more pictures and news.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hullaballoo, Caneck, Caneck! Today was Lawson's first Aggie football game. Well, on TV anyway. He was dressed for the occasion in his Aggie duds, furnished by fellow Ag, Aunt Mary Beth. Unfortunately, he peed on himself (and Daddy) within the first 5 minutes of the first quarter and so he had to change. Glad I did the pictures early, although I really wanted a father-son pic. Maybe next Saturday.... I think he enjoyed the game. He ate himself into a coma and spent most of it passed out, but I'd like to think his contentment was due to the satisfaction of an Aggie win. It was also fun to watch Kansas State totally kick some Longhorn butt. Whoop!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Lawson Alexander Wineman is here!

I went in to the hospital Thursday night (the 20th) to start cervidil for my Friday morning induction (it's a drug that helps prep the body for labor induction). Cervidil gets you ready and then they give you pitocin the next morning to actually start the labor. Cervidil causes a very small percentage of women to go into labor, but I wasn't the slightest bit dialated, so we weren't expecting me to be one of those women. Imagine everyone's surprise when my water broke and I started contractions (2-3 min apart) around 3:30am! They decided pitocin wasn't necessary...

However, very soon the baby started showing signs of distress - his heartrate was dropping and he wasn't getting enough oxygen - they gave me an oxygen mask to breathe through for about an hour. At 8am, my dr arrived and gave another internal exam. After 4.5 hours of labor, I wasn't the slightest bit dialated!!! The baby still hadn't descended into my pelvis and so basically, I wasn't going to dialate. The dr said we had to do a Within minutes, nurses swarmed around me and I was prepped for surgery. At 0849, Lawson made his appearance - 7 lbs, 4 oz., 21 inches long. Even the surgery was difficult. Turns out, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his body which was partly to blame for him not descending. He was so stuck, it took a while for them to pull him out through the incision they made - they eventually used a vacuum to remove him. He was immediately put under an oxygen dome, and was rated an Apgar 1!!!! (babies are rated 1-10 on how well they fare after delivery, 1 being the worst) He improved rapidly, but they still wheeled him out to the nursery right away, where he stayed until Saturday. I finally got to see him Friday night, 9 hours after he'd been born. That was so hard. Dh was able to go to the nursery and take pictures to show me, but it wasn't the same. Poor little guy was hooked up to so much stuff. It was scary, especially since I had such an easy, comfortable pregnancy. But, the good news is he's completely fine now. We saw the pediatrician yesterday and he got a clean bill of health and is on track developmentally - you'd never know he had such a traumatic entry into the world. He's a total cutie and we're completely in love. Hope you like the pictures! Remember, if you click on a picture it comes up in a new window so you can see it better.

One last picture before leaving for the hospital:

Lawson with an IV, hooked up to various monitors:

Proud Papa:

Yay! I FINALLY got to see my baby!

Lawson's first bath. He really didn't like it:

Post-bath. Snug as a bug...

This is one of my favorite pictures. He just looks so sweet:

At home in the bassinet. This is my favorite thing he does - the startle reflex that shoots his arms up in the air like he's on a roller coaster.

Lawson's first at-home bath. He still hated it, but at least he had a cute towel to dry off with.

That's it for now. We've been taking pictures every day since we've been home, so there are lots. Check back often for updates.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ohmigosh....I am getting so huge! I really need to take another picture and get it posted up here because I'm really something to see.... I'm not waddling, but man it's an effort to get up from a chair or from bed! Brad keeps laughing at all my "oofs" and "yerks" as I try to move. He does give me a boost, though. Rolling over in bed is about a 30 second ordeal as I twist in small increments, trying to get to the other side. I feel like a turtle stuck on its back.... Thank goodness this is just a phenomenon of the last week or so and I find it as funny as everyone else around me, so it's all good. But I think I am officially tired of being pregnant. Bring on the baby!

Friday, September 14, 2007

I've got a baby update for you! I'm scheduled for an induction a week from today (the 21st). Unfortunately, I'm not really dialated much (almost, but not quite 1 cm) and the baby hasn't moved down as much as he should have by now. So, the dr is giving him one more week to work down on his own and then he'll induce labor to get him out. Another unfortunately is that the reason he isn't moving down might be b/c he can't fit in my narrow pelvis and therefore I'll need a c-section. I know it's not the end of the world, but I'd really prefer not to have one. Oh, well. One way or another, I'll have a baby by this time next week!

In other exciting news... due to the decrease in temperature around here (I'm assuming), the swelling in my feet has gone down. I can actually feel the bones on the top of my feet again! I'd almost forgotten they were there!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Brad and I had a fabulous date afternoon/night yesterday! We watched our Aggies play Fresno State in the first televised game of the season. The game went into overtime and so we had to miss the end b/c of our plans - we left thinking the Ags lost. Lo and behold, they pulled it out! No need for that kind of stress - our boys really fell apart there in the second half. I'm so glad it's football season again. It's especially fun to watch home games and get a glimpse of the students and campus and stuff.

As I said, we had to leave b/c we needed to grab dinner before heading on to see Rob Riggle at a new comedy club in town. Rob is currently a correspondent on the Daily Show and we love him. He's gorgeous, smart AND a Marine (wonder why I like him....). He's also from a suburb of KC so he had lots of funny things to say about the area. His humor was a bit sophomoric, but he's so physical you can't help but laugh your butt off! We had a fabulous time! We topped off the evening with a big ice cream cone from Cold Stone. It was so nice and we really tried to savor it b/c goodness knows how many more opportunities we'll have for a while....

Friday, September 07, 2007

I just got back from a yummy lunch with my friend, Tracie, at my favorite restaurant in town. It's a tea room run by some local Brits, but they also serve hearty pub-grub. I had the most fantastic plate of bangers and mash! But, the highlight of the meal was the butterbeer I ordered. For you non-Harry Potter fans, this post will make no sense and I apologize. If you are a fan --- isn't that cool??!! I guess the Harry craze is causing companies to market all the made-up stuff from the books. You can buy Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and apparently, order a butterbeer. It was non-alcoholic and tasted like one of those butterscotch candies, only in liquid form. It was delicious for the first few sips, but eventually I had to stop drinking it because it tasted too sweet. But, it totally made my day.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

So, since we're pretty much ready for the baby to arrive any day now, Brad and I decided to have a little time to ourselves this weekend - we'll be a big family soon. So naturally, we went where all grown-ups go for a day trip - the zoo! The Kansas City Zoo had two koala bears on loan from San Diego through Labor Day and we just had to go admire the cuteness. Neither of us had been to a genuine zoo in years and we had a blast. We wore ourselves out walking all over the park, but it was worth it to see those cute koalas, meercats and monkeys/apes. Here are some of our favorite pics. The koala and gorilla ones were taken through glass, so they're not super sharp.

This gorilla put on one heck of a show. He had this HUGE habitat, but preferred to throw him/herself on the ground in front of the window. Drama Queen!!!

I luv Meercats.... These little sleepy ones were just so cute! Yes, that one with his face in the ground is definitely sleeping, not grooming.