Sunday, December 02, 2007

I think it's officially safe to announce this to the world: Lawson is sleeping through the night! Hooray!!!!! Turns out that night two weeks ago wasn't a fluke. Even in Boston, he slept all night. It was wonderful to be so well-rested around the family - it made the trip much more fun. However, we stayed up pretty late, so "through the night" meant midnight to 7am. Awesome, but we weren't sure what would happen when we came home and started going to bed earlier. Yep, like clockwork - we put him down about 10:30 and he gets up anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30. I love having a full night's sleep. I feel like a new woman!!!! We loved our Lawson will all our hearts before this, but we love him even more now that all three of us are getting some rest!

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