Friday, November 02, 2007

Lawson is 6 weeks old today. Where did the time go? He's getting so big already! While it's fun to see him reach new milestones and get stronger every day, it's sad to think that my newborn isn't so new anymore. :( It's also sad to think that if I had a regular job, I'd be going back to work on Monday. I can't imagine leaving him for long stretches of the day at this point! It seems so soon. I'm so fortunate that Brad has a good job so I can stay home. I am going to start teaching a couple of night classes in January, but at least Brad can watch the baby while I'm out.

Lawson had his first play date yesterday. I've been participating in a message board with September 2007 moms since last January and I met a girl who lives here in town. We had the same due date so it was fun to chat during the pregnancy. Her little boy, Jack, was born 11 days before Lawson and we're excited that they can be playmates. Yesterday we got together for the first time since we became mommies and let the boys hang out. They were SO cute together.

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