Friday, September 14, 2007

I've got a baby update for you! I'm scheduled for an induction a week from today (the 21st). Unfortunately, I'm not really dialated much (almost, but not quite 1 cm) and the baby hasn't moved down as much as he should have by now. So, the dr is giving him one more week to work down on his own and then he'll induce labor to get him out. Another unfortunately is that the reason he isn't moving down might be b/c he can't fit in my narrow pelvis and therefore I'll need a c-section. I know it's not the end of the world, but I'd really prefer not to have one. Oh, well. One way or another, I'll have a baby by this time next week!

In other exciting news... due to the decrease in temperature around here (I'm assuming), the swelling in my feet has gone down. I can actually feel the bones on the top of my feet again! I'd almost forgotten they were there!

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