Monday, November 24, 2008

Spaghetti Night

I made real spaghetti for dinner the other night. It was the first time Lawson had some to eat all by himself. I think this is right up there with the first birthday cake as far as eating milestones. As you can see, he thoroughly enjoyed himself:

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Tonka Truck

Lawson loves his Tonka truck riding toy. It transformed from a push toy that helped him learn to walk a few months ago. He's so proud of himself now that he's learned how to straddle the seat and he's ready to go! He hasn't quite figured out how to scoot himself along yet, so we still push him around the room. He loves it!

Of course, what self-respecting boy simply sits on a seat nice and quietly....?

Yes, he did actually stand up on the seat, giving me the most hilarious "wow, look what I just did!" look, as he reached his arms to the ceiling....but I wasn't able to capture that on camera, as I was too busy trying to catch him before he broke something!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Lawson LOVES his cousins, Alyvia and Mya. They're 5 and 3 and he just thinks they're the bomb. They play with him and share their toys and he totally loves it. After our last visit, he came home and realized that the two girls in this picture on the table look an awful lot like the two girls he just got done playing with.

I finally got a cute picture of him looking at the frame. When he's really happy about seeing something he likes, he gets this look on his face where he scrunches up his features and pulls up his shoulders into a shy pose. I think it's wonderfully cute!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend fun

I was worried that since Lawson is such an active little boy, that he wouldn't be too interested in books. But, just recently, he's really become a huge fan of "reading". I don't even have to force the issue anymore. Now he just goes over to his bookcase and takes down his books and starts going through them. It makes me so happy to see!

Lest you think him too serious, I am pleased to remind you that in his spare time, he likes to wear bags on his head and try on his mother's shoes...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This posting is about 6 weeks overdue, but better late than never. I had some trouble with this video - the picture and sound weren't synched - but I just got it figured out and can finally share it with everyone.

Early in October, we celebrated Lawson's birthday with Brad's family at Aunt Jill's house. Lawson was running around the corner and he crashed into his cousin Mya, causing Jill to shout "whoa!". Well, Lawson thought it was so funny, he said it back. Again and again and again. It was one of his very first words (if you can even count it as a word) so this video is precious to us. Enjoy:

Lawson Says "Whoa!"

Fall is Fun!

Brad had today off for Veteran's Day and we had a very nice day around the house. We finally finished unpacking and even had a little time to play outside with Lawson. We took him to the back of the house - you can see the woods out the windows of our kitchen in a post just below. He loved the fresh, crisp autumn air and the crunch of leaves under his feet.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Party Tricks

Lawson has a bunch of relatively new tricks that I thought I'd lump together in one big post for you tonight.

1. On his birthday, my mom started teaching Lawson to show how old he is and just recently, he's doing it consistently. In this pic, I just asked how old he was (I didn't hold up my finger) and he showed me. Sometimes, he'll also say "wa" - about as close to "one" as we can get right now.

2. Lawson is a climber.... He's been showing signs, but it's official now. He loves to show off how well he can get up on his rocking chair, or the sofa. Here he is climbing up on his musical table (complete w/ his squishy face). Oh, and he tried to climb up the bookcase tonight. Fabulous... Guess it's time to harness that stuff to the wall...

3. Lawson can turn the tv on and off. The one in the living room is fairly low to the ground and this weekend, he went up to the box, turned it on and sat down on the couch. He watched for a minute or two and then went up and turned it off and walked away. Too funny!

4. He's learning about dressing and undressing. Once I get his arms out of his shirt, he loves to pull it over his head. Today, he tried putting his socks on by himself! It didn't quite work, but I was so happy to see him try.

5. Lawson shares. It's really cute. He likes to share his binky, his sippy cups, food off his tray (sometimes fresh, sometimes already tasted). Most of this is pretty gross, but I'm so happy he's sharing, I can't ignore it. Tonight, he fed me the last of his cheeseburger for dinner after he'd had all he wanted (at least it was fresh). Guess he figured I put chunks of food in his mouth, he should return the favor... (By the way, I don't actually drink his milk, suck on his binky, or eat his pre-chewed food - I just pretend....)

6. He's drinking out of my big mug. I keep this 32 oz. mug of water with me most of the day and Lawson loves to drink out of it. In this picture, it's almost full. As you can see from the front of his shirt, the process is still a little messy, but the fact that he can lift it and drink is pretty cool.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Autumn Leaves

Technically, this is my blog and although Lawson is the subject 99% of the time these days, I wish to post something totally unrelated to him. I absolutely love fall. I do not absolutely love the townhouse we're renting for the moment, but it is in a nice setting.

The block of townhouses is on a long street, surrounded by trees. The leaves are at full peak around here and it's a beautiful view out our windows every day. We don't have curtains up yet on the back windows, so this is how the world looks from our kitchen. Please excuse the mess.... we're still getting settled. I didn't want to wait until the house was perfect - there might not be any leaves left... :P

Here are general pics of the neighborhood:

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I'm a dork...

So, silly me... After taking the time to set up my scanner and install the driver, yadda yadda... I discovered that Kiddie Kandids gives you free access to your electronic pictures. D'oh! So, here are the digital copies, which turned out much clearer than the scanned ones. The collage wasn't available online, but you can see the pictures that are in the collage. Yay!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween, Part II

I finally found the cords so I could hook up my scanner. Here are the pictures we had done of Lawson last week at Kiddie Kandids. I'm SO glad I had these done so we have proof of just how cute he was. The scanning quality isn't wonderful, but you can at least see how he looked.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This was not Lawson's first Halloween, but it was his first to get dressed up and go trick-or-treating. He sure thought it was fun. He loved his Mickey Mouse costume and thought the idea of running up to strangers' doors and getting candy seemed pretty cool. We spent the evening with our friends, Jochen and Leslie, and their two kiddos, Reece and Jack. It was such a good time.

I'm very glad I got a couple of professional shots of Lawson in his costume, since I assumed (correctly) we wouldn't get many good ones on our own. Oh well - here's the best of what we have:

Inspecting the loot....

What is all this?

First taste of a Three Muskateers bar - it was a hit!: