Sunday, February 26, 2006

I've had such a fun weekend! I finally got to see Rent. I missed it when it came out in theaters and I've been anxiously awaiting it's arrival on DVD. I'm totally addicted now. Brad got me the soundtrack for Christmas and so I've been listening to it constantly the last 48 hours. So good!!!

Speaking of music, my role in my church choir just got bigger. Ash Wednesday is this week and I'm singing in a duet. A couple of times - one major one and then a couple of lines here and there in other pieces. Yikes! It's really cool. I've learned a lot since last fall when I joined, feeling absolutely clueless. The woman who's my counterpart in the duets is the only other alto in the choir and we do well together - our voices just blend nicely. I'm excited! I'll have to post a follow up later in the week.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Snow day!!!! Yippeee! It's the best kind of snow day, too. It was snowing pretty hard until about 11am, just long enough to cancel school, and then it started to melt and now at 3pm it's almost all gone. I can still get out and about and not feel shut-in.

I finished this puzzle I've been meaning to do since about October. A kid at school noticed that I have a handful of puzzles on my wall as decorations and he brought one in for me to finish. He started it and got frustrated. It wasn't a high priority and I kept putting it off, even though every day he'd ask when I was going to finish it. I busted it out this morning and knocked it out pretty quickly - he'd actually put together some nice chunks already. The glue is drying and I can't wait to show it to him tomorrow.

I'm also working on an application for a fellowship this summer to Japan. I'm really excited about it! I'm sure I've got about a snowball's chance in hell of getting it - they only take 12 people from the US AND Canada. Yikes! But, I figure it's worth trying for. Wouldn't it be a hoot if I got it? I should hear back by mid-April.

That's about it here. It's been a quiet few days. We had a workday on Monday so with this snow day, it's a really short week. It'll be the weekend before I know it!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wow - what a week! I found out Tuesday that the Academic Team regional competition I thought was March 15 turned out to be February 15!!!! We were supposed to compete last weekend, but the snow postponed it and the boneheaded secretary at my school told me March. The Athletic Director came into my room at lunch on Tuesday and was like, are y'all ready to go tomorrow???!!!! Holy crap! I was livid! So, I spent all afternoon rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to pull something together - the hosting school is 3.5 hours away, so we had to spend the night. I got everything squared away, but I had to leave school immediately because Brad and I had plans for V-Day.

Brad outdid himself again. We don't get out much, so we generally try to do something nice for V-Day. We went out to eat at this cute German restaurant and then went to see Romeo and Juliet at the Blackfriar's Playhouse in Staunton. It's an amazing Shakepearean theatre - the only one in the world! It's my favorite date-spot, so it was awesome!

Fastforward to Wednesday. Gathered my four competitors and left school at noon. We got to the host school and had a blast competing. I love my kids! They are so knowledgable, but are so socially well-adapted. They're cool people. Our school hasn't made it to the regional level in 7 years so just showing up to this tournament was a huge deal. They won the first round, but lost the next two - but I just found out that the schools they lost to were the top two of the night and will advance to States. That makes me feel a lot better. We had a couple hotel rooms and had a great time staying up late chatting. We took our time coming back today, but we eventually had to get back to school. Love those kids!!!!!! My team is pictured below - they're the best!

So anyway, here it is, late Thursday afternoon, and the last time I drew a deep breath was Tuesday morning. Crazy. I'm chapperoning the school dance tomorrow night, but after that I'm chilling out for a while...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sorry I've been out of commission for a whole week. The flu really knocked me out for a while and then work got crazy. Wednesday evening, I got to judge the district forensics competition (various forms of public speaking, not dead bodies). It was a blast! These kids are so talented. My school's team walked away with 3rd place overall, with two girls winning their categories!

Friday, I threw a toga party for my kids since we just finished our Rome unit. It's really scary to have 50 minutes of unstructured time with a room full of 9th graders, but it went well. Many of them wore togas and brought Roman food for extra credit. We even had gladiator matches! It was so much fun! Guess it's going to be really hard to go back to a regular lesson on Monday... The picture below is of my 2nd period class - they had the most kids dress up so I thought I'd use their picture. Aren't they cute? :)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Well, crapola. I'm sick... I've got the flu - the real flu - influenza. I don't think I've ever really had it before. I rarely bother with the flu shot because it's expensive and I don't ever get the flu, but here it is. I missed work today and went to the doctor. Fortunately, it's in the early stages so they were able to give me this drug that's supposed to allieviate the symptoms. I tell you what - I'm getting a flu shot every year from now on - this sucks!

I'm achy and I alternate between burning up and freezing cold. I'm highly contagious so I can' t go ANYWHERE for the next couple of days - not even sure if I'll be safe to go back to work on Monday. I am bored, bored, bored. How the heck am I going to spend an entire weekend trapped in my room?!!! ARRGGHH!!! I HATE being sick! So there.

It used to be quite common for royal ladies to enter a "confinement" period during the last two months of their pregnancies. She would have had some company, but not much. Two months! At least I've got books and TV. I guess I shouldn't complain. Thanks for putting up with the rant.