Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yikes! I've been gone awhile. Lots has happened so I'm going to have sqeeze as much as I can. Saturday was uber-fun. Brad and I hit a mega yard sale on the army post and came home with a bassinet! It's what I was really hoping to find. They can get pretty pricey and the baby only sleeps in it for the first few weeks, so I was hoping to find a nice used one. This was only $15!!! It needs to be cleaned up a bit, but it's sturdy and mostly clean and will be perfect for the 6-ish weeks the wee one will actually use it. It frees up my money to spend elsewhere. Here's a picture of it. Shadow couldn't resist checking it out. :)

Brad and our friend, Sean, worked on our deck later that day. It was in really bad shape, so they sanded and restained the whole thing! It looks so much nicer now. While the guys did that, Sean's wife Tracie and I went shopping at a local nursery for plants. I'm trying so hard to have a garden this year. When mom was in town, she helped me clear out my front landscaping bed (it was in BAD shape) to be redone. I could kick myself for not taking a before picture. After I bought a bunch of stuff with her and with Tracie on Saturday, I spent Sunday planting bulbs and already-started flowers. The herb/veggie lasagna garden is my project for this weekend. I'll get pictures up when there's something to see.

Whew! That's the weekend update (on Wednesday, but whatever....). Enjoy the pics. I cut off the tops of each b/c I was in such a hurry. Neither the cat nor the boys would stay still long enough for me to get a good shot!

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