Monday, May 14, 2007

We had a remarkably quiet weekend here. Lots of working in the yard and running errands, but no place we had to be. It was lovely. I'm finally starting to see some progress in my garden and flower bed, although it's slow. I made dinner for Tracie and Sean (and, of course, Brad) on Saturday night and was so excited to go out and cut off some fresh herbs from the garden to rub on the pork roast. Yum!

Below is the fruit (and vegetable) of my labors. I was so excited to have my first green pepper sprout, but Tracie said I had to pull it off. Something about making the future peppers stronger. She knows a lot more about this than I do, so I yanked it. I did the same for our first strawberry. They're both so small, but they're honest-to-goodness edible things I grew. I think I'm going to like this gardening thing! I have some tidying up to do next weekend, and then I'll take some pictures and post them.

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