Friday, May 18, 2007

And there was much rejoicing. aaaaa......... As I expected, yesterday's milestone was much more dramatic. I just finished entering my grades, which makes me feel good, but I'm still surrounded by work. I have bajillions of graded papers scattered on the floor in various rooms that need recycling. I have a list of students who wanted to be notified of their grades via email, which will take a while. All the materials I pulled out of file folders to help me grade need re-filing. The list goes on... I am mostly just exhausted. Things got a little hairy in that last hour, but I got everything in after checking and rechecking.

I don't mean to whine - I'm happy to be finished. I'm just not yet at thrilled. It'll take a while to hit me. Maybe tomorrow after I have a chance to tidy up I'll feel more like celebrating. I hope everyone has a happy weekend!

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