Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm back! We had an amazing time in England. I didn't take just tons of pictures, though, and just a few of those turned out decently. Oh well. I do plan to do a separate blog - my goal is to have it up and running by no later than the end of the month. Stay tuned.

We got back last weekend, then had a crazy week at work getting caught up. On Friday, my friends, Mendy and Tracy from Texas, came to visit. We are a devilish triumverate and always have a great time together. We saw the sights on post and around town a bit, but mostly just enjoyed spending quality time together. They just left this afternoon and so it's back to crazy preparations for the workweek.

I had another doctor's appointment today. We heard the heartbeat again and scheduled my first ultrasound (which should tell us the baby's sex by then) for the 24th. Just three weeks away! I'm just now starting to show, which is nice. Before, I was just looking like I ate too much for lunch, but now it's mostly obvious I'm a little bit pregnant.

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