Saturday, April 07, 2007

Alright, the blog is finished! If you look to your left, you'll notice a new link - Our England Adventure. Click there to hear about our trip.

I got to have a lovely lunch yesterday with my friend, Tracie. She and her hubby, Sean, are coming over for Easter. I'm excited b/c I haven't cooked a major meal in a while - we've just been too busy.

In other good news, Brad's dad just proposed to his girlfriend of 2 years. No wedding date has been set yet, but they have no need to wait a long time. I'll keep you posted. Brad and I are really happy for Dave. Judy is great and we like her a lot, even though we've not spent much time with her.

That's about all the major stuff. After beautiful weather last weekend, I was all set to work in the yard, but it's freezing here. Literally - I think it's about 25 right now. Ugh. It's so deceptive b/c everything is green and the sun is shining... Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

susan solo said...

Fantastic blog! You *three* look so cute together, and I enjoyed all of the photos and posts. Of course, my FAVORITE photo is the one of you at Platform 9 3/4. I really want a picture there, too!