Sunday, April 15, 2007

I just finished prepping my lasagna garden! No, Garfield - don't get too excited. I learned last week from my friend, Tracie, that a lasagna garden is an idiot-proof (well hopefully) way of avoiding tilling, digging and weeding your garden. Here's how it works:

After a Home Depot run, I laid down newspapers on top of the grass in my garden spot. I watered them down with a hose. Then I piled peat moss, manure, and compost on top and covered it with black plastic (like lasagna layers). Over the next several weeks, the stuff on top smothers all the weeds and grass underneath, the newspaper biodegrades and organic material transforms into rich, fertile, and loose soil. It also attracts earthworms, which are yucky, but they till the soil naturally. It's supposed to work like that, anyway. In about 4-6 weeks, I pull back the black plastic and plant my garden and it's supposed to thrive. I've got zero experience with gardening, but I want to have one so bad! I have a small plot to start, with plans to do more next year if this works out. I want to grow both herbs and vegetables. I let you know how it goes! Can't wait!

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