Oh my gosh. Do I have a story to tell.... So, my morning history class was taking a test today and some kid's cell phone went off about half way through. Just a quick aside, my cell phone policy is really lax - I don't make too big a deal out of one going off in class as long as it isn't habitual - some profs around here deduct points from your grade, throw a fit, etc. So anyway, this kid's phone goes off and he stands up to go outside. I told him he needed to simply turn it off, that he wasn't allowed to answer a call in the middle of an exam (cheating seems to come easiest these days via cell phone). He told me he had to take the call and headed outside. My startled expression spoke volumes to the rest of the class who shared in the shock.
I followed the guy outside and told him again it was the middle of a test and he HAD to hang up the phone. He pointed his finger at me and said "NO, it's an emergency." So I folded my arms and stood right next to him while he spoke. Turns out he did have a very sick family member at home and he finished his call quickly. We had a little chat before going back in (he's very fortunate I didn't give him an automatic F and send him on his way!) about, emergency or no, how he will NEVER speak to me like that again. His response? "This is college." Our little chat continued.... Btw, I don't yell. I get this very calm low voice like I'm talking to a crazy person w/ a gun (lots of practice in public school - yelling doesn't get you anywhere and you can get blamed for harassing a student even if they started it). So, very calmly I discussed the merits of adulthood and respecting the people around you. He proceeded to tell me he's never had a professor treat him as much like a kid as I just did - apparently this school is full of profs who happily let their students answer phone calls in the middle of tests. Yeah, right. He was incensed that I would imply he might be cheating by answering the call. I know it's hard for students to comprehend how much baloney I've seen and heard in my 7 years of teaching and how, deep down, I don't trust a single butt in the seat. I'm thrilled he says he's not a cheater - but I have no way of knowing that.
Ugh. So anyway, that was my morning. I hate these confrontations. I've developed some pretty thick skin over the years and so stuff like this irritates me rather than genuinely upsets me. I'm confident I handled the situation well and I know that some of my other colleagues around here would have just gone bonkers on this kid. I don't like that I have experience with this, but I'm glad that I do. I'm still just reeling from the nerve of this kid! It does make one heck of a story, though. Sorry this was so long. Just thought you'd like a glimpse into my world. :)