Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Yesterday was my first day of class. I love my job! The first day is always a little weird - you stand there and give a bunch of rules to a room full of people who aren't sure if they're going to love you or hate you. They laughed in all the right places and many of them seem pretty interested in the class. It's a good sign. Tomorrow the real work begins - the first lecture... My office is a tiny cubicle I share with two other teachers (we're in there on different days). It's never been decorated and is, in general, filthy. I got the official sanctioning from my (male) office-mates that I could pretty up the room and I've been working hard to do so. It's starting to look habitable and I'm thrilled! Other people keep walking by and remarking that they'd never noticed how barren that room was until I started putting up stuff. Now if I could just make that kind of progress on my house....

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