Monday, August 21, 2006

I've been gone a long time, I know. Very little to report on. However, this weekend was awesome! Brad took me to see Rent (which I've been dying to see!) at an outdoor theater downtown. Despite the sound difficulties, it was fabulous. I loved getting to finally see this on stage and I've been singing along to my soundtrack ever since. We spent the rest of the weekend working on the house and planning this big vacation we're putting together for December. We're trying to get either South Africa or Australia. Either way would be awesome. We're waiting to hear what the time-share folks say (a friend gave us a week's stay in theirs). I'll keep you posted.

Tomorrow is my first day of class, so I've spent the whole day making sure I've got everything put together. Ugh. I'm sure I'm forgetting something....

1 comment:

susan solo said...

ShutupshutupshutUP! No you are NOT going to Australia! Oh my gosh, South America would be awesome too, but Australia is my dream trip. Any extra room in your suitcase for a 5'7" friend?!