Monday, May 01, 2006

Public Service Announcement for all who read my blog: Don't die. I really mean it. I've about had it with death. He's on my shit list. We've had all we can take for a while. On Sunday, we got word that one of our favorite profs from grad school was killed in a car accident on Friday. He was 75 and the cutest Hungarian medievalist you could ever meet (and I'm sure you've all met dozens). He was a dear man who really liked both Brad and me, encouraging us every step of the way through our degree programs. He's a member of Brad's dissertation committee, so we're waiting to see how that plays out. Oh, yeah - I didn't mention that earlier in April an older friend of Brad's died. He was in his 80s and died of natural causes, but Brad had known him since he was a cadet and they'd been working on a project for VMI together.

So, anyway, death is yucky. Sunday morning, we attended Charles's memorial which was really nice. I think it was good for closure. Brad and I walked there and back, which is a couple of miles. We have some really nice nature trails and the exercise felt good. Glad we did it.

On Saturday, I got to go on my first garden tour of Lexington. Basically, you get to tour the homes and gardens of several posh places in town. One house blew me away. It's owned by the widow of somebody Brown who founded UPS. Yeah, she's loaded. We walked in the foyer and were told the boards beneath us came from beams in a Boston warehouse where they used to store the tea. Oh. Guess I shouldn't spill my wine on it, huh? Holy moly. Every inch of the house was immaculate. Amanda and I were the youngest ones there by easily 20 years, but we had a great time.

Brad and I are about to attempt something really crazy. We're going to bathe our cats. I'm sure that will be super relaxing....

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