Monday, May 29, 2006

Gotta lotta news, but a little space so I'll be as brief as possible. We just got back from a weekend in Texas, which was awesome! Brad successfully defended his dissertation Friday afternoon and pending some minor corrections will graduate in August! Yipppeeeee!!! It was great to be in College Station again and to see so many old friends, even if just for a short time. I even made it over to the old school I used to teach in - it's been 4 years and I was floored at how big the kids have gotten. The elementary aged kids are all in high school now - some of them have changed so much I wouldn't have recognized them on the street!

With the completion of Brad's Ph.D. comes a new job - most of you already know that he got a job in Kansas and we'll be heading that way at the end of July. We've spent the last few days working through house-hunting and moving details. It's going to be a big change, but we're really excited about it.

I also found out (hours before I left for Texas) that I was awarded a fellowship to travel to South Korea in July!!!! I was so disappointed I didn't get the Japan one, but this one should be fun, too. I know next to nothing about Korea, so I'm anxious to see it and to learn more. It's going to make for a hairy summer, but it's worth it.

That's the Reader's Digest version of events. I'll keep everyone posted. Happy week!

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