Sunday, June 01, 2008

So, we went to Florida for a long Memorial Day weekend and had so much fun! Brad had to work so he couldn't come, but my parents and sister were able to. My cousin, Sharon, got married and we figured it was a good excuse to see everyone and take Lawson to the beach for the first time. The wedding was lovely and we had a good time at the reception. Here's Lawson and me jamming with my cousins to "We Are Family". Good times!

Here we are with my cousin's wife, Michelle, and their baby, Adam. Brian is attending the Army school, so they're here in town with us this year. Oh, and getting Lawson to look at a camera this weekend was nearly impossible....

We took Lawson to the beach, which was so much fun. Unfortunately, the sun was so bright and the sand was so interesting that we couldn't get him to look up. We bought him sunglasses, but he kept taking them off! So we have tons and tons of pictures of Lawson staring down. Oh well. We'll just keep those "pictures" of how cute he looked on the beach in our minds' eyes.

Just by accident, we discovered that Lawson and my dad had similar outfits, just in reverse. Had to snap a photo.....

We returned to the hotel after a long day at the beach to find fresh baked cookies at the desk. I let Lawson have his first taste of cookie. Um, yeah.... he liked it.

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