Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year! Time has also managed to roll around to bring me another birthday today. 32. Birthdays just aren't as exciting as they used to be. ha ha...

So, this is kinda gross, but we howled all the way through Lawson's bath last night - it was so funny! We put an extremely groggy baby into his bathtub. Within minutes, he not only peed (typical) but he also let go of an explosive, runny poop right into the water! We knew this would happen some day, but it still caught us off guard. Brad pulled Lawson out of the tub while I cleaned and disinfected it. Restarted the water and bubbles. Once in, Lawson turns his head to the side and gets bubbles all over his face, in his eyes and in his mouth. Quick cleanup - thank goodness for "no tears" formulas! Then, he takes his soapy fist and rubs his eyes because he's tired. Cleanup again. Then, the same soapy fist (after a re-dip in the bubbles) goes into his mouth for a good sucking because he's hungry. Cleanup again. Brad and I are laughing like crazy through the whole thing! We got the little bugger rinsed off and called it quits. Just another day in the life....

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