Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sorry I've been out of commission for a whole week. The flu really knocked me out for a while and then work got crazy. Wednesday evening, I got to judge the district forensics competition (various forms of public speaking, not dead bodies). It was a blast! These kids are so talented. My school's team walked away with 3rd place overall, with two girls winning their categories!

Friday, I threw a toga party for my kids since we just finished our Rome unit. It's really scary to have 50 minutes of unstructured time with a room full of 9th graders, but it went well. Many of them wore togas and brought Roman food for extra credit. We even had gladiator matches! It was so much fun! Guess it's going to be really hard to go back to a regular lesson on Monday... The picture below is of my 2nd period class - they had the most kids dress up so I thought I'd use their picture. Aren't they cute? :)

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