Thursday, January 21, 2010

It Was Just a Matter of Time...

I am thrilled and amazed Lawson made it through 28 months of life without a trip to the ER - it seems a miracle given how hard he plays - but our luck finally ran out today. I guess it was time...

The details of the accident are a bit fuzzy, since it happened at daycare and I didn't see, but Lawson got his thumb smooshed on the hinge side of the bathroom door this morning. The teachers called me immediately and asked for me to come get him and have him checked by a doctor since it looked pretty bad. I ran out of school (literally), leaving my classes in the hands of my very awesome colleagues, picked Lawson up from daycare and drove immediately to the hospital. My parents met me there and fortunately the wait wasn't long. A couple of x-rays later and the verdict came down that he has 2 fractures in the tip of the thumb bone. The doctor didn't think a cast would help all that much and would probably do much to tick Lawson off, so they're opting to just let it heal on its own. They tried a splint, but Lawson didn't think that was such a good idea...

Lawson was clearly in a lot of pain, but he was a trooper all day. He's able to use his right hand, just not his thumb, so some tasks are difficult, but all in all, he's been in good spirits and loves to recount the tale of his injury. Here's a view of the smooshed finger:

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