Sunday, July 19, 2009

Never a Dull Moment...

Okay, so crazy Lawson story time....

1. Last night we had tacos for dinner and I gave Lawson a slice of American cheese instead of the shredded kind - thought it would be easier to eat (plus he loves it!). I'll admit I got caught up in something on the table and started reading a bit. When I turned back to Lawson, he had his finger up his nose. I figured he was just picking so I chastised him and went back to eating. When I went to clean him up, I realized he'd peeled off tiny bits of cheese and stuck them up both nostrils! Ah, geez - it was A LOT! I was fishing little pieces out for the next hour. I couldn't believe how much he got stuck up there! And there was much coughing as plenty came out the top end of his nostrils, too... *sigh*

2. Today, we made a run to Target and had an adventure. I was picking out a shampoo by my usual method - the smell test. :D Well, I opened a bottle of conditioner to smell and it must have been pressurized b/c conditioner came shooting out, straight up my nose! I got most of it out, but I still got to smell Aussie hair product all morning (at least it smells good). After cleaning myself up, I looked over at Lawson and while I was having my own little crisis, he'd found the bottle of baby wash I'd just put in the cart and was "lathering" himself up! He was rubbing it up and down his arms, but he also had it all over his clothes. Then, as I reached for the tissues in my purse to clean him up, he started rubbing the stuff on his hands into his hair, mimicking a shampoo. He had this look on his face like "See? I know how to do it!"

I swear... this kid is something else. At least I have an arsenal of stories to keep everyone entertained!


Ellie said...

I'm sure he was just trying to help you by bathing himself so you wouldn't have to. Funny kid!

Amanda Conway said...

A "nosy" day in your life... pretty good story!