Monday, February 18, 2008

And now for another installment of "my weirdo kid"....

So, Lawson is paying very close attention to our eating and drinking habits here lately. He's mastered the art of eating off a spoon and is intrigued by the drinking out of a glass thing that big people do. He's taken to grabbing my glass and trying to drink out of it (I obviously won't let him...), which is pretty funny. Today, he grabbed at my Dr.Pepper can and wanted a sip. I think he was drawn to the red and shiny surface. He molested this can like you wouldn't believe! Well, actually, you can see it. We took another short video with the nearest camera, which happend to be my regular camera, so there's that clicking noise again. If you listen closely, though, you can hear him "num, numming" on the can! Poor kid's face was numb when he was done!

Dr. Pepper Kiss

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