Monday, January 23, 2006

After many a conversation with my computer-guru friend, Susan, I've finally got my blog mostly to my liking - enough to advertise it, anyway.

The big excitement here is that Brad is continuing to prove himself a juggernaut with his dissertation. He's made significant progress on his last main chapter and then only has to write a quick intro and conclusion! It's really amazing/scary/cool that he's so close to finishing. It does, however, mean that we're both making a concerted effort to give him time to work. It's always been frustrating when we've done this in the past, but the light at the end of the tunnel is so bright and it's totally worth it.

We did make it out this weekend for a couple of movies. Saw Walk the Line and Brokeback Mountain. Loved them both! Brokeback was my favorite. I know some of you might not be comfy with the subject material, but it was truly a beautiful film. I'm rooting for it for Best Picture.

1 comment:

susan solo said...

Oh gosh, I don't know about "computer-guru" but I'm glad your blog is up and running! Yay, I have something to read at work! Um, I my free time.