Saturday, December 05, 2009

Winter Program

Lawson's daycare center is the greatest! They go out of their way to do really cute things to get families involved in the school and it's always such a good time. Last night was no exception, as they held their 1st Annual Winter Program (it's a new school). Lawson's class has been practicing their song for a couple of weeks now - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - and it's been fun to overhear him at home. It usually goes something like this: "Tinkle, tinkle, yittle tar, how I wonna...tinkle tar...YAY!"

The school made cute shirts and hats and paraded the kids out on stage in a nice neat little line and the music started....and the kids all got that "deer in the headlights" look. Not a one of them sang the song...just the teachers did...but they looked so cute! Lawson freaks out sometimes and I was so proud he stayed on stage and didn't cry. Aren't they adorable? Who cares if they didn't sing...?

Here's Lawson with his idol - Mr. Austin. He was the music teacher at the school and Lawson has LOVED him since day 1. That's the reason I got the guitar for him - so he could be like Mr. Austin. Austin has moved on to another job, but he did come back for the program to play and the kids were overjoyed to see him!

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