My stupid cat, Shadow, gets into more scrapes than I ever thought an indoor animal could..... There was the sprint towards wherever when we were trying to move, there was the day he spent locked in the basement, and there was last night. This was mostly Brad's fault, but Shadow knows how to really make it fun....
Last night, Brad went out our back door into the backyard. When he returned, he apparently didn't pull the door shut all the way (our doors get kind screwy about that - they look closed, but they're not really), nor did he lock it. When he got up at 4:15 this morning to feed the cats and go for a run, he couldn't find Shadow. What he found was the back door wide open - the wind must have pushed it in!!!!!!!! He woke me up to tell me what happened - there we are, in the middle of the night, in the backyard with flashlights trying to find the curious cat. We found him about 10 minutes later. He'd managed to get out of the fenced backyard (no claws, mind you - he must have crawled underneath) and Brad found him in a neighbor's bushes. The poor guy was terrified - he probably was really excited for the adventure and then got lost, not knowing how to get back inside. We have no idea how long he was out there, but he gobbled down his food and went straight to the litter box. Guess he didn't know he could poop in the grass! As soon as he got calmed down, he went straight to sleep. I imagine he was out there for a while.
I'm just so thankful that a) we found him. b) he didn't get hurt, since he has no claws to defend himself and c) that the only bad thing that happened was the cat got out - no one came in! Brad was absolutely mortified he'd been so careless. He was totally distraught this morning. Needless to say, I didn't exactly jump back to sleep - the adrenaline was pumping pretty hard. So, I've been up since a little before 4:30 and I'm not allowed to have too much caffeine. Ugh.
So anyway, happy ending. The kitty's fine - just pretty wigged out. Another day in the life.... I knew things were far too slow around here. What a week!