Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow Day!

A winter storm blew through Thursday and Friday, dumping nearly 9 inches of snow on us. Dallas has never received this much snow at one time...ever. Kinda fun to break a record! Plus, it was the 4th snowfall of the winter...some years we don't even get it's been a real winter here and I'm loving it!

The snow started after officials missed the chance to call off school, so this is what things looked like as I headed off to work Thursday. Remember, we don't get much snow and don't have the kind of infrastructure as northern cities have to deal w/ snow, so even a few inches can be really problematic around here. Plus, we're not used to driving in it, so the roads are crazy scary! No one was happy that school was still in session. All those teenagers out on the roads... oiy...

But honestly, the roads weren't too we spent some time in the afternoon over at Grandma and Grandpa's house to play in their backyard. Fun times!

School was cancelled Friday, so Lawson and I hunkered down for a play day. One of the many adventures involved finally tackling the gingerbread train we didn’t finish at Christmas. We put it together and then got too busy to decorate it. It’s been sitting on my kitchen counter just waiting for a lazy day. It should say something about this year that it took until mid-February to get around to it… Lawson wasn’t sure what we were doing at first, but he soon got the hang of it and then he LOVED putting candy on the train. He took the whole process so seriously. 

Imagine this in motion, if you will. Fists pumping in the air, body bouncing, and a little boy chanting “chugga, chugga, choo-choo!”

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