Sunday, September 12, 2010

I know, I know...

So, it's been another month since I last posted...  Sorry, we've been pretty busy here.  School has been wonderful this year!  I have an amazing group of kids and I really love what I'm doing.  But the first of the year is always a little crazy and then I've been coming home to a new house to unpack/decorate.  After an enormous amount of help from my family, the house is really looking great!  It's so nice to have more space!  I have a few small projects left to finish before I can declare the house officially "finished", but it's awfully close. 

There hasn't been a whole lot of picture-taking going on lately, but I did manage to get a few last weekend for Labor Day.  As we move into fall, I'm sure we'll have a lot more stuff going on that is "picture-worthy".  Stay tuned!

My folks found this gigantic bear at Costco and thought it would make a good "welcome to your new house" gift.  Lawson loves it!

Manly bonding over the grill with Grandpa:

Um, not sure what to write as a caption for this one:

The most fun part of the day for Lawson is when we were finishing up the setup for his bedroom, Grandma ran the vacuum...and let him jump on for a ride.  We all howled with laughter!

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