Thursday, July 08, 2010

Home With Mom...

The summer is flying by!  Shortly after our road trip, I left Lawson for the first time and went to New York to be in a friend's wedding.  Since I returned, Lawson and I have just been enjoying a simple life at home together.  The schedule is about to get nuts again, but for now, we're just hanging out...and it's grand.

This morning, we made Rice Krispy Treats for the first time.  Lawson's such a big helper!

Later today, I was going through some old boxes of stuff trying to find fun things to put in my classroom for next year.  Lawson really enjoyed the Mardi Gras beads and the novelty hat my friends Tony and Amanda brought back from Scotland.  I left them out on my bed and this is what Lawson did to himself...honest!

Just a day in the life...  :-)

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