Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Over The River and Through The Woods...

To Grandmother's (and Grandfather's) house we go.... completely by accident! Here's what happened:

On this lovely St. Patrick's Day, Lawson and I went outside the gate of our apartment complex and decided to go for a walk. We stopped to admire the "flowers" and Lawson learned to blow on them...

Of course, he sometimes gets them a little too close to his mouth and he winds up with all those white fuzzy things stuck to his lips and chin! Silly boy...

As you can see in the above picture, there's a small wooded area behind Lawson and a bridge that goes over a creek. We took a walk across it to see what was on the other side.

The trail emptied out into my parents' neighborhood and I recognized the street we were on, immediately. I knew the neighborhood was close, I just didn't realize it was that close! So we decided to keep walking and soon we were on their street. All in all, we walked 1.5-2 miles (yes, Lawson walked the whole way) and paid a surprise visit. We had some water and played in their backyard. Lawson just loves being outside! We wound up staying so long and Lawson got so tired, Grandma drove us back home, which was so nice. What a fun day!

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