Monday, June 02, 2008

Jackpot! I got the pics from my mom's camera and there were some more cute shots from the trip. The lighting is touch and go, but I was pleased to find fun shots I'd forgotten we took.

There was a banana tree right outside the door to the hotel. I've never seen one up close, so I was just as thrilled as Lawson was.

Mom and I wound up being "matchy-patchy", as my niece, Alyvia, would say....

We spent Memorial Day at my Aunt and Uncle's house. Here we are with sister, Mary Beth, and cousin, Susan.

Here's cousin Jenni:

We stopped off at a place that used to be called "Orange Blossom". I forget the new name. We always went there when I was a kid and watched them sort the fresh-picked oranges. The sell the best orange juice and marmalade as well as serve orange ice cream. They've recently expanded their flavors and I enjoyed a key lime and coconut twist cone. OMG - it was amazing! I bought key lime juice there and made a fabulous pie this weekend.

I also have a video here of Lawson enjoying a lemon wedge at our favorite crab leg restaurant. I gave him one just to keep him busy and he loved it so much - he completely sucked it dry! I gave him another. And another. By about the 4th one, we got out the video camera. He finally had a reaction to the tartness. It was so funny! Enjoy!

Lawson and the Lemon

1 comment:

susan solo said...

Okay I know parents give their kids their "first lemon" so they can get the funny reaction on film/video...but I've NEVER seen anyone keep eating it!