Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lawson is one athletic kid! He's been really good about picking his head up for a while now. It won't be long before he can hold it for a long time. He's got insanely strong legs - he's trying to crawl with his legs, but that dang head is just too heavy to hold up long enough to get moving...

He's also rolling over. The first time he did it was at 5 days old - I set him on his back and he rolled onto his side. The pediatrician was surprised, but said it was likely an accident. It probably is, but he keeps doing it every couple of days. This picture is of him after I put him down on his back. While I'm proud of his athleticism, I'm terrified of this early mobility. So, I'm not too excited that he can do all this stuff yet. I'm really okay with him being stationary for a while longer.

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