Friday, September 07, 2007

I just got back from a yummy lunch with my friend, Tracie, at my favorite restaurant in town. It's a tea room run by some local Brits, but they also serve hearty pub-grub. I had the most fantastic plate of bangers and mash! But, the highlight of the meal was the butterbeer I ordered. For you non-Harry Potter fans, this post will make no sense and I apologize. If you are a fan --- isn't that cool??!! I guess the Harry craze is causing companies to market all the made-up stuff from the books. You can buy Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and apparently, order a butterbeer. It was non-alcoholic and tasted like one of those butterscotch candies, only in liquid form. It was delicious for the first few sips, but eventually I had to stop drinking it because it tasted too sweet. But, it totally made my day.

1 comment:

susan solo said...

Oy! A butterbeer?! That's exactly how I imagined it to taste! I must try one sometime.