Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pottermania!!!!! The last Harry Potter book's release date has been announced. In case you've been living under a rock today and missed the near-constant news coverage - 21 July is the big day. Even more fun because it's unexpected, what with the latest movie coming out just days before that. July will be a very fun month. Maybe I'll pass a love of Harry Potter through the umbilical cord to my unborn child.... He/she will certainly get an overdose this summer!

Oh, so I had my first pregnant icky day yesterday. I was fine until the evening. I was busy doing lots of things and then Brad and I got chatting and lost track of time. Next thing we knew it was after 8pm and I guess my body decided all of a sudden that was not okay. I started feeling pretty quesy and nothing we had in the house to make for dinner was appetizing (and the stuff that was would take too long to make). And of course, we couldn't order a pizza because the thought of grease made me feel worse. So Brad drove us out in the snow to get a sandwich so I wouldn't get sick. I started feeling a little icky tonight right before dinner, but I made sure we ate earlier and now I'm fine. Guess I've just entered the fun weeks. At least I finally feel pregnant - it was a little disturbing how not-pregnant I was feeling.

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