Sunday, February 26, 2006

I've had such a fun weekend! I finally got to see Rent. I missed it when it came out in theaters and I've been anxiously awaiting it's arrival on DVD. I'm totally addicted now. Brad got me the soundtrack for Christmas and so I've been listening to it constantly the last 48 hours. So good!!!

Speaking of music, my role in my church choir just got bigger. Ash Wednesday is this week and I'm singing in a duet. A couple of times - one major one and then a couple of lines here and there in other pieces. Yikes! It's really cool. I've learned a lot since last fall when I joined, feeling absolutely clueless. The woman who's my counterpart in the duets is the only other alto in the choir and we do well together - our voices just blend nicely. I'm excited! I'll have to post a follow up later in the week.

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