Friday, February 27, 2009

Lawson's Latest Antics...

For those of you who remember that I used to play the trumpet, you'll understand why my son just HAD to have one of his own. Here he's showing off his mad skills to his Aunt Mary Beth. Watch out Wynton Marsalis!

Lawson has also learned the joys of the pots and pans cupboard... If he pulls everything out, there's room for a little boy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Play time...

My silly little boy... While I was doing laundry yesterday, he snuck into his bathroom and decided he needed a bath. Fortunately, he can't turn on the water himself...yet. That'll be interesting when he learns - especially since he had so much fun in his tub even without the water. Yes, he pulled everything out of the big tub and had a grand ol' time playing on the floor.

For Valentine's Day, Lawson's Granny sent some money for a new toy and this is what we got... An Aquadoodle mat! The marker is just water, so he can scribble without making a mess. He loves it! Thanks Granny!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Funny Valentine

Lawson's sitter took this picture of him clutching all of her Valentine's Beanie Babies and made me a lovely Valentine to put on my fridge. I'm still trying to learn her trick for getting a full frontal, still shot of him smiling! I never get those images!

Saturday night, I made a festive homemade pizza for Lawson and me. He makes a pretty good date!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rough Day

When having two binkies in at once still doesn't solve your problems, you know it's been a rough day...

Although I guess it did get a little better...but we're still grumpy...

Monday, February 09, 2009

Monkey See...Monkey Do

Lawson is becoming quite the copycat. He watches everything I do and then tries to do it all on his own. It generally results in me laughing my head off and running for the camera!

Yesterday, Lawson and I cleaned house and did laundry. In the middle of the activities, Lawson decided it was time for a diaper change. He reached into the diaper bag, pulled out his changing mat, unfolded it and laid down with a diaper and called for me to come do the honors!

Afterwards, he decided some pants-removal practice wouldn't be a bad idea....

My little pants-less wonder found my flat-iron and proceeded to drag it around, "fixing" his own hair.

Finally, he helped me sort laundry. And yes, it does take twice as long when he "helps". He also snagged the stain stick when I had my back turned and proceeded to treat the clothes like he sees me do. What a goofball. Needless to say, after I took the picture, we went and got a nice long handwashing in!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Just Because...

I took this picture of Lawson wearing an outfit his Great-Aunt Fran bought him and wanted to show it off to her. I liked the picture so much, though, I thought I'd share it with everyone. Isn't he cute?

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Handy Lawson

I bought a storage thingy for Lawson's toys the other day and we put it together last night. Lawson was a big help! His fine motor skills are really quite good and I was impressed as he tried to copy me.

Here's the finished product. I still need to fill it with the toys currently strewn all over Lawson's bedroom floor and then put it in the closet. It was a fun project to work on together, though!